Destination :
- Ulundanu Temple
- Bali Handara Gate
- Fiji – Gerombong Waterfall
Package A ( IDR 650.000 /Pax min 2 person ) :
- Ticket entrance all destination
- Local Guide exploring waterfall
- One way motorbike shuttle
Package B (IDR 800.000/pax min 2 person)
- Ticket entrance all destination
- Mineral water
- Lunch near Waterfall
- Local Guide exploring Ricefield, Waterslide and Waterfall
- One way motorbike shuttle
Package C (IDR 750.000/pax min 2 persons) : Waterslide, Waterfall
- Ticket entrance all destination
- Mineral water
- Lunch
- Local Guide exploring waterslide and waterfall
- Motorbike shuttle